Resultado de imagen para phrases against bullying

Hellooooo!!!!! morning!!!! what's going on friends?
In this opportunity i want to share with  all of you a very interesting topic"bullying". Bullying, is without a question a serious problem. the main purpose of this particular post is to inform eveybody about bullying and its consequences but first, i considerer that it is important to give you a claear and simple definition about it. BULLYING IS THE USE OF SUPERIOR STRENGH OR INFLUENCE TO INTIMIDATE SOMEONE, TIPICALLY TO FORCE SOMEBODYTO DO SOMETHING. BULLYING IS WHEN A PERSON OR A GROUP OF PEOPLE CAUSE HARM OR HURT TO ANOTHER PERSON OR GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO FELL HELPLESS TO RESPOND.
I also consider that it is important to focus on bullying and its consequences. Kids who are bulluied are more likely to expererience; depression, anxiety, increases feeling of sadness and loneliness and they also experience negative physical, school and mental health issues. As you can see the impacts of bullying of bullying on kids are somany. In the following videos  we can learn a little bit more about bullying.

please watch the videos since they have  useful information about bullying. it is definitively a big and horrible problem . we must help kids and teens who suffer from bullyng at school now!!!!
   Resultado de imagen para phrases against bullying


Resultado de imagen para phrases about love a kids with discapacity

well people it is time to say godbye!!!!!!!!!!!! have a sweet week!!!!!

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